Site Operation Manager - PT Pacific Dwiyasa Putra

Saturday 5 October 2013

Site Operation Manager  - PT Pacific Dwiyasa Putra


  • Membuat perencanaan pelaksanaan pekerjaan proyek sedemikian rupa agar efektif & efisien.
  • Menjalin hubungan yang intensive dengan pejabat-pejabat Newmont khususnya.
  • Memastikan tentang keamanan dan keutuhan semua barang milik perusahaan baik yang masih terpakai maupun yang sudah rusak.


  • Pria ,usia +/- 40 tahun
  • Pendidikan S-1 (Diutamakan Mekanik)
  • Pengalaman bekerja di perusahaan kontraktor tambang sebagai Site Operation Manager, mampu meng-organisir kegiatan karyawan di pertambangan
  • Membawahi Operasional antara lain Mekanik/electric, HRD/GA, Finance, Logistic dan beberapa expatriate
  • Lancar bahasa Inggris (Lisan/Tulisan)
  • Tegas, disiplin dan bertanggung jawab
  • Untuk penempatan di NTB

Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi segera kirim surat lamaran lengkap ke HRD Manager – email :

Company Overview

In 1996, we were appointed by Pacific Paint, a licensed holder for Carboline protective coating from Carboline Inc, USA, as a sole distributor, which offers the most comprehensive line of high performance coatings for the world’s most corrosive environments. We also act as the sole distributor for marine and industrial coatings which have been developed by Pacific Paint over 25 years ago. Then, in 1997, A.W. Chesterton commissioned PDPpaint for its other product, Chesterton Technical Product (TP), that can be used to extend the life of equipment and also to make sure your production facilities and maintenance are running smoothly and safely. Considering our strong performance and dedication to our valued customers, Pacific Paint and Carboline Inc. granted a full authority to manufacture Carboline protective coating at the beginning of 1999. In the same year, we acquired PT. Pancamas Putra Mandiri, an applicator for ARC products as well as a blasting and painting contractor.

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